Finally some news.

24.03.2011, 17:31


The Header has been renewed!!!


In today's Technology of Media lesson a tiny break has been taken place: I have changed my logo. Namely partwise back to the prototype. Say, the first I changed . Also the former, horrible crystal was replaced by a fitting construction.


From now on I will watermark all my work with the changed logo too.


So, all that has this new logo on is work published after today. :)


Here again for comparison: the former Header...

Ilionej-Page Banner Version 1

" . . . There are many doors.

Where they lead, is not always clear.

Only Janus might know, what lies behind.

So we should never open a door irresponsibly.

Or better let it remain shut.

Though – who never opens a door, will never know, what lies behind . . . "


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens