Library of Sandria - er - yes.

*hides in corner*


The NorthEastWestSouth-Archiv is, as the name says, the place where all N.E.W.S. of the past months are stored.

Grub down to your whim in the library of antiqued tidings.

Perhaps you'll find something that enriches your knowledge...


Oh - and you will just find the N.E.W.S. beginning from June 2010 - as I opened up the english version of the website then. Maybe I'll upload the old stuff as well, but for now I let it like this.


" . . . There are many doors.

Where they lead, is not always clear.

Only Janus might know, what lies behind.

So we should never open a door irresponsibly.

Or better let it remain shut.

Though – who never opens a door, will never know, what lies behind . . . "


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens