All texts on this website have been written and controlled to the best of my knowledge and belief. Things that have been directly copied from elsewhere are listed as such. This mainly concerns the section "Quotes" in the "Curiosity-Shop".


I take no responsibility for any harm originating in the reading or potential abuse of this page and other texts written by me done by others.


My copyright in sections of "FanArt" solely refers to the work done by me. The complete origin resides with the rights of the creators. Differences from the original works are by no means to be seen as copyright infringement but as freedom of interpretation. These changes are in no way meant for commercial uses.


The name Ilionej, the person, the logo, as well as all in context of this person mentioned other names, persons, items, fictional places, symbols etc. derive from my fantasy and are subject to my personal copyright. Similarities to already existing matters are merely coincidential.

Of course I have been inspired, but full particulars are to be read in the speech of thanks included in my first book, "Ilionej - The Sisters of the Prophecy" after its appearance or to be inquired and clarified by consulting me personally.


All photos and artworks on this website are taken and made by me. Therefore I,  and no other, have the full permission to use them in anyway that will not break the laws of the countries they are used in. I prohibit any other person to take them for any use without my written permission before usage.

Photos and works that have not been made by me are either used as reference or for proper way of information in the N.E.W.S. section and either the owner, the source or both are listed as such in near of the specific material, in named connection with it.


Again, no material on this website may be used in any way without my written permission in advance.





Written on:

Monday, September 19th 2011


Last reviewed, revised and enhanced on:

Sunday, October 20th 2013




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" . . . There are many doors.

Where they lead, is not always clear.

Only Janus might know, what lies behind.

So we should never open a door irresponsibly.

Or better let it remain shut.

Though – who never opens a door, will never know, what lies behind . . . "


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens